
In each and every processes in production we conduct frequent inspection to reach the optimum level of confidence for any given vehicle and environment. Normally we are offering from the protection level B4 to B7 level according to the customer needs based on the armouring standards like NIJ and CEN standard.The production of these vehicles take place under strict supervision of the professionals and by using high quality tested ballistic materials. Vehicle's armor plates are stitch/fully welded using high intensity MIG welders (based on customer requirement). The above process ensures the structural integrity is uncompromised by thermal and chemical variations of the material.Ballistic steel interior frame provides over lapand back up protection for the large surface principal impact are as such as the doors and windows.Some OEM vehicle features / equipment may be removed or disabled to a commodate for the installation of the armoring materials and other equipment required a sapart of the armoring.Five sidear moring of passenger compartment and additional body (roof and verticals) to provide different level protection (basis of customer requirement)at zero degree obliquityangles.